
TheWorkwear Ltd. specialize in the stockholding, supply and customisation of workwear, corporate wear and team wear including embroidery, associated artwork production and in providing garment design and managed contract services.

All our services are delivered by qualified, experienced employees. All work accords with written procedures, incorporating lines of responsibility, accountability and defined checks. We are committed to continual improvements throughout the company, based on stated company objectives and the EN ISO 14001:2015 standard.

We are certified to ISO14001 and all our procedures, checklists and instructions comply with this standard. The principles embraced here are embodied in our formal Management System.

Our management team and all who work at TheWorkwear Ltd. are committed to the care of the environment and the prevention of pollution. TheWorkwear Ltd. seek to minimize waste, promote recycling, reduce energy consumption and emissions and, where possible, to work with suppliers, contractors and affiliates who share our sound environmental policies.

An essential feature of our Management System is a commitment to improving environmental performance. This is achieved by setting annual environmental improvement objectives and targets, which are regularly monitored and reviewed. These objectives and targets are publicised throughout TheWorkwear Ltd. and all of our staff are committed to their achievement

As such this policy:

  • Requires the setting and reviewing of Objectives deriving from an in-depth analysis of the needs of interested parties, internal and external factors, mitigating activities and the performance of key processes.
  • Includes a commitment to satisfy applicable requirements (customers, legislative, statutory).
  • Commits TheWorkwear Ltd. to continually improve the Management System.